Who We Are
Founded in 2002, the Bremen Educational Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) organization that exists to support and enhance the educational experience for the students of Bremen City Schools. Each year, grants are awarded to BCS teachers through an application process. Additionally, the foundation was an integral partner in the planning and construction of the Hamilton-McPherson Fine Arts Center.
Community members, as well as faculty and staff, are encouraged to support the efforts of the foundation through contributions and payroll deduction. All donations made are tax deductible and go back into the school system through identified initiatives/projects.
The foundation board consists of community representatives and school system employees whose goal is to support and continue the tradition of excellence in Bremen City Schools.
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Meet the Bremen Education Foundation Board of Directors!
We are a group of community stakeholders who value and support education. We are comprised of faculty, parents, business owners, and administrators. We value the Bremen City School System and support educational excellence through the Bremen Education Foundation.
What We Provide
Student scholarships
STEM Education
Teacher Grants
School Supplies
Literacy Support
Field Trips